April is here, and spring has sprung!
Here are some top jobs in the garden for this month:
🌱Aerate the lawn by spiking it with a garden fork, or a use a lawn aerator.
🌱Mow your lawn more regularly as required, lower the cutting height towards the end of the month.
🌱Feed shrubs and trees with a fertiliser such as Growmore, by lightly forking it into the soil.
🌱Divide primroses once they have finished flowering.
🌱Trim winter-flowering heathers once the flowers disappear.
🌱Deadhead daffodils and tulips as the flowers finish, leaving the foliage to die back naturally.
🌱Feed fruit trees, bushes and raspberry canes.
🌱Sow hardy annuals, herbs, and wild flower seed outdoors.
🌱Cut back summer and autumn fruiting raspberries to approximately 23cm (9in) from the base.