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How to Create an Autumn Planter – with Natalie

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Our wonderful Horticultural Expert, Natalie, has created this guide to help you create an Autumn Planter. You could also use these tips when planting a Hanging Basket too!

1. Choose an outdoor planter which will be big enough to arrange a selection of your favourite Autumn plants.

2. Place a few stones or broken terracotta in the container over the drainage hole.

3. Fill the container with multi-purpose compost, leaving room to arrange the plants on the surface. Our Emporium MP Compost has 4 months of feed already mixed in. At this point you could also add a slow-release plant feed into the mix.

4. Prepare a hole for your centrepiece, using the pot as your guide… a cordyline or an ornamental grass is ideal for height.

5. Carefully remove the plant by tapping the pot, and gently firm in place.

6. Ensure the top of the rootball is level with the surface of the compost.

7. Add some fillers around the pot such as cyclamen, ferns, pansies, or choose one of our selection packs. Repeat the previous steps to arrange and secure your chosen plants.

8. Firm the compost around the plants. At this point you can make any tweaks to the arrangement. Use additional compost to fill in any gaps.

9. Water well and top up with compost if necessary.

10. Enjoy your new Autumn Planter!


We have everything you need to create your own displays, from individual plants to pick and choose your own, as well as pre-selected packs with a fabulous range of Autumn colour.

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